#INCLUDE "fbmath.bi"

#MACRO WriteNote(a)
    IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
        curfreq(i) = fmfreq(a)
        PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &h30)
        PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) / 256))
        PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) MOD 256))
        curfreq(i) = INT((0.5^((a)/12-1))/2*851) 
        if ctype(i) = 3 and noisetype = 0 then PUT #20, , chr(&h3A) else PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &h30)
        PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) MOD 16)) + chr(INT(curfreq(i) / 16))                       
    end if

#MACRO WriteCurrentFreq()
IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &h30)
    PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) / 256))
    PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) MOD 256))
    if ctype(i) = 3 and noisetype = 0 then PUT #20, , chr(&h3A) else PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &h30)
    PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) MOD 16)) + chr(INT(curfreq(i) / 16))

    note AS STRING * 1
    VC AS STRING * 1
    ET AS STRING * 1
    EP AS STRING * 1

    dim i as long
    dim car as string
    dim cars as string
    dim comp as string
    dim speft as string
    i = 1
    car = MID(strn, 1, 1)
    IF car = chr(34) THEN
        comp = chr(34)
        i = 2
        car = MID(strn, 2, 1)
        comp = " "
    END IF
    WHILE car <> comp
          SPEFT = SPEFT + car
          i = i + 1
          car = MID(strn, i, 1)
          IF i > LEN(strn) THEN
              SPLEFT = SPEFT + cars
              EXIT FUNCTION
          END IF
              SPLEFT = SPEFT

FUNCTION param(strn as string, b as long) AS STRING
    dim i as long
    dim c as long
    dim car as string
    dim cars as string
    dim comp as string
    dim speft as string
    c = 0
    i = 1
    car = MID(strn, 1, 1)
    IF car = chr(34) THEN
        comp = chr(34)
        i = 2
        car = MID(strn, 2, 1)
        comp = " "
    END IF
    WHILE c <> b
    WHILE car <> comp
          SPEFT = SPEFT + car
          i = i + 1
          car = MID(strn, i, 1)
          IF i > LEN(strn) THEN
              SPEFT = ""
              param = SPEFT
              EXIT FUNCTION
          END IF
   i = i + 1
   c = c + 1
   ' SPEFT$ = MID(strn, i&, 1)
    car = SPEFT

    param = RTRIM(spleft(MID(strn,i)))


FUNCTION DIVREST(a as double, b as integer) as DOUBLE
    dim last as integer
    dim i as integer
    last = 0
    for i = 0 to a step 1 
        if i / b - int(i / b) = 0  and  i <= a then
        last = i
    end if  
    next i
    divrest = a - last

FUNCTION fmfreq(a AS double) AS INTEGER
    dim temp2 as long
    dim temp as long  
    temp2 = INT(644*(2^(divrest(a,12)/12)))
    temp = ((INT(a/12)) * 2048)
    temp2 = INT((temp2 AND 2047) + temp)
    return temp2

FUNCTION fmfreq2(a AS integer) AS INTEGER
    fmfreq2 = fmfreq(cast(double,a))


    b = &H7F - int(log10(a * 9.0 / 64 + 1.0) * &H7F + 0.5)
    print "FMVOL : ";b
    IF b > 127 THEN b = 127
    IF b < 0 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 64 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 0  THEN b = 127

    fmvol= b



    b = &H7F -  int(log10(a * 9.0 / 64  + 1.0) * &H7F + 0.5)
    print "FMVOL : ";b
    IF b > 127 THEN b = 127
    IF b < 0 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 64 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 0  THEN b= 127

    fmvol2= b


    b =   -(INT(LOG10(a / 64.0) * 7))

    IF b > 15 THEN b = 15
    IF a = 64 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 0  THEN b = 15
    psgvol= b



    b =   -(INT(LOG10(a / 64.0) * 7))

    IF b > 15 THEN b = 15
    IF a = 64 THEN b = 0
    IF a = 0  THEN b = 15
    psgvol2 = b

    '* XM2ESF                           *
    ' Converts XM-format module music to
    ' Echo Stream Format
    ' VERSION:
    dim builddate as string
    dim version as string
    builddate = "10-20-2012"
    version = "1.00 RC6"
    version = version + " DOS"
    version = version + " Win32"
#IFDEF __FB_Linux__
    version = version + " Linux"

    ' (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Oerg866
    ' Developed in compliance with official Echo docs. (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Sik

    RMDIR "./TEMP"
    MKDIR "./TEMP"

    PRINT "XM2ESF - XM to Echo Stream Format converter"
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "Version " + version + " " + builddate
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Oerg866             http://www.mdscene.net"
    PRINT "                                            http://github.com/oerg866/xm2esf"
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "Echo (C) 2010-2012 Sik                      http://echo.mdscene.net"
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "Please report bugs using email at oerg866@tototek.com or use any"
    PRINT "other viable method, such as forum threads, etc."
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "This program is free. It must not be sold. This is a temporary"
    PRINT "disclaimer until a proper license is in place."
    PRINT ""
    COLOR 14,0
    PRINT "Please acknowledge that this program is not in a stable state yet"
    PRINT "and its creator can not be held responsible for consequences"
    PRINT "evolving from the usage, be it proper or improper, of this"
    PRINT "program."
    COLOR 7,0
    PRINT ""
    PRINT "Also, lots of hours of bugfixing and testing went into this."
    PRINT "Please keep this in mind when using this program."
    PRINT ""
    PRINT ""
    PRINT ""

    SLEEP 1000

        PRINT "usage: xm2esf <infile> <outfile> -<switches>"
        PRINT ""
        PRINT "<infile>  is an XIF file. An XIF file is a descriptor"
        PRINT "          file that contains all the parameters which xm2esf will"
        PRINT "          respect while creating the resulting ESF file, and also the"
        PRINT "          path and filename to the input XM file."
        PRINT ""
        PRINT "          Creating an XIF file is possible using the bundled xm2esfgui"
        PRINT "          It is very easy to use and creates a XIF file"
        PRINT "          that is perfectly parseable by xm2esf :)"
        PRINT ""
        PRINT "          For other software and information, please visit"
        PRINT "          http://segaretro.org/Echo"
        PRINT ""
        PRINT "<outfile> is the output path ad filename xm2esf will use to create"
        PRINT "          the resulting ESF file. Please note that if this file exists"
        PRINT "          it WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, even if you encounter a bug and the"
        PRINT "          conversion somehow fails ."
        PRINT ""
        print "Switches:"
        print ""
        print "-r"
        print ""
        print "-p"
        PRINT ""
        PRINT "Bye :D!"

    END IF
    dim cmdl as integer
    dim psgretrig as byte
    dim psgretrigall as byte
    dim psgignore as byte

    for cmdl = 3 to 255
        if command$(cmdl) = "" then exit for
        select case lcase(command$(cmdl))
        case "-r"
            psgretrigall = 1
        case "-p"
            psgretrig = 1
        case "-i"
            psgignore = 1
        end select
    next cmdl
    print "psgretrigall ";psgretrigall
    print "psgretrig ";psgretrig
    print "psgignore  ";psgignore

'' XM to ESF channel assignment variables

    DIM xmfm(1 TO 6) as long       ' Contains the corresponding XM channel for each PSG channel
    DIM xmpsg(1 TO 3) as long      ' Contains the corresponding XM channel for each PSG channel
    dim xmnoise as long
    dim xmpcm as long
    DIM fm as long                 ' Amount of FM channels
    DIM psg as long                ' Amount of PSG channels
    dim pcm as long
    DIM present(1 TO 11) as long   ' Used to define if a channel is present

'' XM to ESF Instrument assignment variables

    DIM esfins(1 TO 256) as long   ' Contains the corresponding Echo Instrument ID (in Pointer List)
                            ' for each XM instrument

'' XM to ESF Song adjustment variables

    DIM pitch(1 TO 11) as long    ' Transpose value for each channel
    DIM vol(1 TO 11) as long      ' Channel volume for every channel
    DIM quotient(1 TO 11) AS DOUBLE ' Volume conversion quotient

'' XM to ESF Conversion loop and temporary variables:

    dim xmnote as long
    dim xmvol as long
    dim xmeff as long
    dim xmeffdat as long
    DIM i AS INTEGER        ' For some loops
    DIM currow AS LONG      ' Current row of entire song that's being processed

'' XM to ESF stream data bridge variables

    DIM row(1 TO 11) as string           ' Current XM row for each channel
    DIM curins(1 TO 11) as long       ' Current XM instrument
    DIM curnote(1 TO 11) as long      ' Current note (XM note with transpose already applied !)
    DIM curvol(1 TO 11) as long       ' Current volume
    DIM curfreq(1 TO 9) as long        ' Current frequency (Used when writing new freq during portamento, vibrato and arpeggio)

    DIM effectdat(1 TO 11) as long     ' Current Effect number
    DIM effectval(1 TO 11) as long     ' Current Effect value

    DIM xmins as long                  ' Instrument column in current XM row

    DIM slidestep(1 TO 11) AS DOUBLE    ' Current step during a slide (effects 1,2 and 3) Unit: XM notes

    DIM slidetarget(1 TO 11) as long           ' Target for a slide (effects 1,2, and 3) Unit: XM Notes
    DIM slidespeed(1 TO 11) as long            ' Amount of XM notes to slide per tick

    DIM volslidepos(1 TO 11) AS DOUBLE  ' Current position in volume slide (effect A), unit: XM volume
    DIM volslidespeed(1 TO 11) AS DOUBLE' Amount of volume to slide per tick

    DIM arpnote1(1 TO 11) as long             ' Note 1 in arpeggio (effect 0)
    DIM arpnote2(1 TO 11) as long              ' Note 2 in arpeggio (effect 0)

    DIM vibstep(1 TO 11) AS DOUBLE      ' Current step in a vibrato (note this is NOT in XM notes!
                                        ' It's just the amouont of ticks that already have been
                                        ' processed in a vibrato! it starts at 0, so that a smooth
                                        ' sinewave can be applied, that starts at the current note!)

    DIM vibspeed(1 TO 11) as long             ' Vibrato speed (1st parameter in effect 4)
    DIM vibdepth(1 TO 11) as long             ' Vibrato depth (2nd parameter in effect 4)

    DIM conversion AS DOUBLE            ' note to frequency conversion variable

'' XM to ESF Conversion initalization variables

    DIM esfchan(1 TO 11) as long               ' This is pretty interesting.
                                        ' (and VERY important I might add)

    esfchan(1)  = 0                    ' The echo stream format definitions use direct YM2612/PSG
    esfchan(2)  = 1                    ' channel values. These are not 0-10 or something like that
    esfchan(3)  = 2                    ' but have gaps in them due to the way the chip is constructed.
    esfchan(4)  = 4                    ' This bridge variable takes care of this.
    esfchan(5)  = 5
    esfchan(6)  = 6
    esfchan(7)  = 8
    esfchan(8)  = 9
    esfchan(9)  = 10
    esfchan(10) = 12
    esfchan(11) = 11

    DIM fmnote(0 TO 11) as long               ' Pre-defined FM frequencies for every note (source: echo table)

    fmnote(0) = 644
    fmnote(1) = 681
    fmnote(2) = 722
    fmnote(3) = 765
    fmnote(4) = 810
    fmnote(5) = 858
    fmnote(6) = 910
    fmnote(7) = 964
    fmnote(8) = 1024
    fmnote(9) = 1081
    fmnote(10) = 1146
    fmnote(11) = 1214

    DIM psgnote(0 TO 70) as long               ' Pre-defined PSG frequencies for every note (source: echo table)

    DIM ctype(1 TO 11)  AS INTEGER      ' Channel type (defines internally which channels from 1 to 11 are FM, PSG, PCM and Noise

    DIM loopins(1 TO 11) as long               ' Variables for (re)storing instruments on looping

    DIM lastfx(1 TO 11) as long               ' Variables for picking up pitch related effects
    DIM lastfd(1 TO 11) as long               ' Variables for picking up pitch related effects


    ' Please note: If the XM's Tempo is set to 150, every tick is exactly the same length as one echo tick
    ' Meaning that the adjustable variable is the "Ticks per row". If XM's tempo is 150, you should set
    ' the ticks per row value as the speed in the XIF input file. If you do that, your XM will be
    ' exactly as fast as the echo output!!

    ' most tempo values other than 150 will mean that the actual esf's speed will only be able to approximate
    ' the actual XM speed.

    dim tempo as long

    tempo = 7      ' Default is 7. A tempo of 150;7 is almost the same as the default many trackers use (125;6)



    ' This is the XIF file parser. It is long, andthe coding style is probably pretty bad. But! it works :P
    ' The error handler is not very intelligent yet. But, it'll be, sooner or later. Probably later =P

    dim setting as string
    dim esfloop as long
    dim filetype as long
    dim xm as string
    dim noise as long
    dim noisetype as long
    dim noisemode as long
    dim restart as long
    dim total as long
    dim temp as long
    dim tmp as long
    dim pf as long

    WHILE LCASE(setting) <> "[instruments]"
        LINE INPUT #1, setting
        IF MID(setting, 1, 1) <> "#" THEN
           SELECT CASE spleft(setting)

              CASE "FILE"
                xm = param(setting, 1)
                PRINT "XM File: " + xm
              CASE "TYPE"
                SELECT CASE param(setting, 1)
                CASE "BGM"
                filetype = 1
                CASE "SFX"
                filetype = 2
                END SELECT
                SELECT CASE param(setting, 2)
                CASE "LOOP"

                esfloop = 1
                IF filetype = 2 THEN
                    PRINT "Input file errorneously declares loop while being a SFX. File rejected."
                END IF
                CASE "NOLOOP"
                esfloop = 0

                END SELECT

              CASE "TEMPO"
                  tempo = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM"
                  fm = VAL(param(setting, 1))
                  IF fm > 6 THEN
                      PRINT "Declared more than 6 FM channels."
                  END IF
              CASE "PSG"
                  psg = VAL(param(setting, 1))
                  IF psg > 3 THEN
                      PRINT "Declared more than 3 PSG channels."
                  END IF
              CASE "PCM"
                  pcm = 1
                  IF fm = 6 THEN
                      PRINT "Input file errorneously declares PCM even though 6 FM channels are used"

                  END IF
              CASE "NOISE"
                  noise = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM1"
                  xmfm(1) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM2"
                  xmfm(2) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM3"
                  xmfm(3) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM4"
                  xmfm(4) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM5"
                  xmfm(5) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "FM6"
                  xmfm(6) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "PCMC"
                  xmpcm = VAL(param(setting,1))
              CASE "PSG1"
                  xmpsg(1) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "PSG2"
                  xmpsg(2) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "PSG3"
                  xmpsg(3) = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "PSGN"
                  xmnoise = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "NOISEFREQ" ' 1 = stock, 0 = psg3
                  noisetype = VAL(param(setting, 1))
              CASE "NOISETYPE"
                  noisemode = VAL(param(setting, 1))
                  '1 = white noise, 0 = periodic noise

           END SELECT
        END IF


'' This calls a small program called LOADXM.
'' It is a win32 self-contain port of nineko's
'' original XM loader (QB/VB6). Ported and used
'' with permission. Thanks, nineko!
    dim s as string
    PRINT "loading XM file: " + xm
 #IfDEF __FB_DOS__
    s = "loadxm " + xm
 #IfDEF __FB_WIN32__
    s = "loadxm " +  chr(34) + xm + chr(34)
 #IfDEF __FB_Linux__
    s = "loadxm " + xm
    print "Executing " + s
    SHELL s
''  TODO: ERRORLEVEL checking. Because I was lazy and did not
''        bother to check if loadxm actually was successful,
''        xm2esf will still be let lose if loadxm failed.
''        Oh well ^__^"
    PRINT "XM pattern data extracted"


    WHILE LCASE(setting) <> "[pitch]"

        IF MID(setting,1,1) <> "#" THEN

            LINE INPUT #1, setting
            esfins(VAL(spleft(setting))) = VAL("&H" + param(setting,1))

            LINE INPUT #1, setting

        END IF


    PRINT "Loaded pitches"

    ' Internal channel to variable assignment help

    ' 123456 = FM
    ' 789    = PSG
    ' 11     = PCM
    ' 10     = NSE

    WHILE LCASE(setting) <> "[volume]"
        LINE INPUT #1, setting
        IF MID(setting,1,1) <> "#" THEN

            SELECT CASE spleft(setting)
                CASE "FM1"
                    pitch(1) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM2"
                    pitch(2) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM3"
                    pitch(3) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM4"
                    pitch(4) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM5"
                    pitch(5) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM6"
                    pitch(6) = VAL(param(setting,1))

                CASE "PSG1"
                    pitch(7) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSG2"
                    pitch(8) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSG3"
                    pitch(9) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSGN"
                    pitch(11) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                END SELECT
        END IF


    WHILE LCASE(setting) <> "[end]"
        LINE INPUT #1, setting
        IF MID(setting,1,1) <> "#" THEN

            SELECT CASE spleft(setting)
                CASE "FM1"
                    vol(1) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM2"
                    vol(2) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM3"
                    vol(3) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM4"
                    vol(4) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM5"
                    vol(5) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "FM6"
                    vol(6) = VAL(param(setting,1))

                CASE "PSG1"
                    vol(7) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSG2"
                    vol(8) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSG3"
                    vol(9) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                CASE "PSGN"
                    vol(11) = VAL(param(setting,1))
                END SELECT
        END IF



    FOR i = 1 TO fm

    present(i) = 1
    OPEN "TEMP\C" + TRIM(STR(xmfm(i))) + ".tmp" FOR BINARY AS #i

    NEXT i

    FOR i = 7 TO psg + 6
    present(i) = 1

    OPEN "TEMP\C" + TRIM(STR(xmpsg(i-6))) + ".tmp" FOR BINARY AS #i

    NEXT i

    IF pcm = 1 THEN

    present(10) = 1
    OPEN "TEMP\C" + TRIM(STR(xmpcm)) + ".tmp" FOR BINARY AS #10

    END IF

    IF noise = 1 THEN

    present(11) = 1
    OPEN "TEMP\C" + TRIM(STR(xmnoise)) + ".tmp" FOR BINARY AS #11

    END IF
    PRINT "Channels assigned and loaded"


    dim t as long

    FOR t = 0 TO 70
        READ psgnote(t)
    NEXT t

    PRINT "PSG Freq init."

    ' Define channel types
    ' 0 = FM (default)
    ' 1 = PSG
    ' 2 = PCM
    ' 3 = Noise

    ctype(7) = 1
    ctype(8) = 1
    ctype(9) = 1
    ctype(10) = 2 'pcm
    ctype(11) = 3 'noise

    dim a as string

    i = FREEFILE
    OPEN "TEMP\file.inf" FOR INPUT AS #i
    LINE INPUT #i, a
    LINE INPUT #i, a: restart = VAL(a)
    LINE INPUT #i, a: total = VAL(a)
    CLOSE #i

    PRINT "File info read..."

    FOR i = 1 TO 11
        row(i) = "     "
        effectdat(i) = 255
        effectval(i) = 255
    NEXT i

    FOR i = 1 TO 11

        quotient(i) = vol(i) / 64

    NEXT i

    IF filetype = 2 THEN
        FOR i =  1 TO 11
            IF present(i) = 1 THEN
                IF i = 11 THEN
                    PUT #20,, chr(&hE6)
                    PUT #20,, chr(&hE0 + esfchan(i))
                END IF
            END IF
        NEXT i
    END IF

    PRINT "Starting conversion."

    FOR currow = 1 TO total
        IF currow-1 = restart THEN
            IF esfloop = 1 THEN
                PUT #20,, chr(&hFD)
                ' Store instruments for looping
                FOR i = 1 TO 11
                    loopins(i) = curins(i)
                NEXT i
            END IF
        END IF

        FOR i = 1 TO 11
            IF present(i) = 1 THEN

                GET #i, , row(i)
                xmnote=      ASC(MID(row(i), 1, 1))
                xmins =      ASC(MID(row(i), 2, 1))
                xmvol =      ASC(MID(row(i), 3, 1))
                xmeff =      ASC(MID(row(i), 4, 1))
                xmeffdat =   ASC(MID(row(i), 5, 1))

' XM Effects handled by xm2esf:
'           0xx     Arpeggio
'           1xx     Portamento up
'           2xx     Portamento down
'           3xx     Tone Portamento
'           4xx     Vibrato
'           8xx     Set Panning
'           Axx     Volume Slide
'           Cxx     Set volume
'           Dxx     Pattern break (Always interpreted as D00!)
'           F0x     Set speed
                IF effectdat(i) <> 255 THEN
                    lastfx(i) = effectdat(i)
                    lastfd(i) = effectval(i)
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Set Speed
                IF xmeff = &hF THEN
                    TEMPo = xmeffdat
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Reset any slide attributes when no related effect is in use
                IF xmeff > 4 OR xmeff = 0 THEN
                    slidestep(i) = 0
                    slidespeed(i) = 0
                    slidetarget(i) = 0
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Reset conversion values for effects when no effect is in use
                IF xmeff = 0 AND xmeffdat = 0 THEN
                    effectdat(i) = 255
                    effectval(i) = 255
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Arpeggio
                IF xmeff = 0 AND xmeffdat <> 0 THEN
                    effectdat(i) = 0
                    effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                    arpnote1(i) = INT(xmeffdat / 16)
                    arpnote2(i) = INT(xmeffdat MOD 16)
                    slidestep(i) = curnote(i)
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Set Panning
                IF xmeff = 8 THEN
                    'Set Panning
                    IF ctype(i) <> 0 AND ctype(i) <> 2 THEN
                        PRINT "WARNING: Panning on PSG or Noise channel! Ignoring..."
                        if ctype(i) = 2 then put #20, , chr(&hf6) else PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &hF0)            
                        IF xmeffdat = &h80 THEN
                            PUT #20, , chr(&hC0)
                        ELSEIF xmeffdat > &h80 THEN
                            PUT #20, , chr(&h40)
                            PUT #20, , chr(&h80)
                        END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Vibrato
                IF xmeff = 4 THEN

                        IF effectdat(i) = 4 THEN
                            vibspeed(i) = INT(xmeffdat / 16)
                            vibdepth(i) = INT(xmeffdat MOD 16)
                            effectdat(i) = 4
                            effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                            effectdat(i) = 4
                            effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                            vibspeed(i) = INT(xmeffdat / 16)
                            vibdepth(i) = INT(xmeffdat MOD 16)
                            vibstep(i) = 0
                        END IF
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Tone Portamento
                IF xmeff = 3 THEN
                    IF lastfx(i) > 4 THEN slidestep(i) = curnote(i)

                    IF effectdat(i) = 3 THEN
                            IF slidespeed(i) < 0 THEN
                                slidespeed(i) = (-1) * xmeffdat
                                slidespeed(I) = xmeffdat
                            END IF
                    END IF

                    effectdat(i) = 3
                    effectval(i) = xmeffdat

                    IF xmnote > 0 AND xmnote < 97 THEN
                      IF slidestep(i) <> 0 THEN
                       IF xmnote + pitch(i) < slidestep(i) THEN slidespeed(i) = (-1) * xmeffdat ELSE slidespeed(i) = xmeffdat

                       IF xmnote + pitch(i) < curnote(i) THEN slidespeed(i) = (-1) * xmeffdat ELSE slidespeed(i) = xmeffdat
                       slidestep(i) = curnote(i)
                      END IF
                        slidetarget(i) = xmnote + pitch(i)
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF xmnote < 97 AND xmnote > 0 THEN  curnote(i) = xmnote +pitch(i)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Portamento Up / Down
                IF xmeff = 1 OR xmeff = 2 THEN
                        IF lastfx(i) > 4 THEN slidestep(i) = curnote(i)
                        if xmnote > 0 and xmnote <> 97 then slidestep(i) = xmnote + pitch(i)
                        effectdat(i) = xmeff
                        effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                        slidespeed(i) =  -((xmeff-1)*2-1) *xmeffdat
                        if xmeffdat = &HFF then print "initiating, speed:"; slidespeed(i); " step:"; slidestep(i) 
                        slidetarget(i) = -(xmeff-2) * 96 
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Set current note variable
                IF xmnote < 97 AND xmnote > 0 THEN  curnote(i) = xmnote + pitch(i)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Handle a <Note Off>
                IF xmnote = 97 and ((ctype(i) = 0 or ctype(i) = 2) or ((ctype(i) = 1 or ctype(i) = 3) and psgignore <> 0)) THEN
                    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i)+&h10)
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Handle a new note
                IF xmnote > 0 AND xmnote < 97 THEN
                    IF ctype(i) <> 2 THEN
                            IF xmeff <> 3 THEN
                                IF curins(i) <> xmins AND xmins <> 0 THEN
                                        curins(i) = xmins
                                        PUT #20, , chr(&H40 + esfchan(i))
                                        PUT #20, , chr(INT(esfins(curins(i))))
                                END IF

                                IF (xmeff <> 3) AND (xmeff <> &hc) THEN
                                              curvol(i) = 64
                                              PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &h20)

                                              IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
                                                     TEMP = INT(fmvol(quotient(i) * 64))
                                                     PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                                                    TEMP = INT(psgvol(quotient(i) * 64))
                                                    PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                                              END IF
                                                volslidepos(i) = curvol(i)
                                END IF

                                IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
                                    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i))
                                    PUT #20, , chr(INT(32 * INT(curnote(i) / 12) + (2 * (curnote(i) MOD 12)) + 1))
                                    curfreq(i) = fmfreq(curnote(i))
                                ELSEIF ctype(i) = 1 THEN
                                    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i))
                                    PUT #20, , chr(INT(24 * INT(curnote(i) / 12) + (2 * (curnote(i) MOD 12))))
                                    curfreq(i) = INT((0.5^((curnote(i))/12-1))/2*851)
                                    tmp = 0
                                    IF noisetype = 1 THEN
                                        tmp = 3
                                        PUT #20, , chr(&hB)
                                        IF noisemode = 0 THEN
                                            PUT #20, , chr(&h0)
                                            PUT #20, , chr(&h4)
                                        END IF
                                        tmp = 3
                                        curfreq(i) = INT((0.5^((curnote(i))/12-1))/2*851)
                                        PUT #20, , chr(&h3A)
                                        PUT #20, , chr(INT(curfreq(i) MOD 16)) + chr(INT(curfreq(i) / 16))
                                        PUT #20, , chr(&hB)
                                        IF noisemode = 0 THEN
                                            PUT #20, , chr(&h3)
                                            PUT #20, , chr(&h7)
                                        END IF

                                    END IF
                                END IF
                            END IF
                    ELSEIF ctype(i) = 2 THEN
                            curins(i) = xmins
                            PUT #20, , chr(&hC)
                            PUT #20, , chr(esfins(curins(i)))
                    END IF
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <Simulate XM Behavior>
                if ((psgretrig = 1 and xmeff > 0 and xmeff < 5) or (psgretrigall = 1)) and xmins > 0 and (ctype(i) = 1) then'or ctype(i) = 3) then
                    curins(i) = xmins
                    print "RETRIGGER"
                    PUT #20, , chr(&H40 + esfchan(i))
                    PUT #20, , chr(INT(esfins(curins(i))))
                    put #20, , chr(&H10 + esfchan(i))
                    put #20, , chr(esfchan(i))
                    put #20, , chr(0)
                end if
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Volume Slide
                IF xmeff = &HA THEN
                    IF ctype(i) <> 2 THEN
                          IF effectdat(i) <> &hA THEN
                          effectdat(i) = &hA
                          volslidepos(i) = curvol(i)
                          END IF
                          IF INT(xmeffdat / 16) = &hF AND INT(xmeffdat MOD 16) > 0 THEN
                              PRINT "WARNING: Fine volume slide detected, ignoring"
                          ELSEIF INT(xmeffdat MOD 16) = &hF AND INT(xmeffdat / 16) > 0 THEN
                              PRINT "WARNING: Fine volume slide detected, ignoring"
                              IF INT(xmeffdat MOD 16) > 0 THEN
                                  ' Volume slide DOWN
                                  volslidespeed(i) = -(INT(xmeffdat MOD 16))
                                  effectval(i) = INT(xmeffdat MOD 16)
                              ELSEIF INT(xmeffdat / 16) > 0 THEN
                                  volslidespeed(i) = INT(xmeffdat / 16) / 16
                                  effectval(i) = INT(xmeffdat / 16)
                              END IF
                          END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <XM Effect> Set Volume
                IF xmeff = &HC THEN
                 IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
                    effectdat(i) = &HC
                    effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &H20)
                    TEMP = INT(fmvol(xmeffdat * quotient(i)))
                    PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                    curvol(i) = xmeffdat
                 ELSEIF ctype(i)=1 THEN
                    effectdat(i)= &HC
                    effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                    PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &H20)
                    TEMP = INT(psgvol(xmeffdat * quotient(i)))
                    print temp; i; esfchan(i)
                    PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                    curvol(i) = xmeffdat
                 ELSEIF ctype(i) = 3 THEN
                    effectdat(i) = &HC
                    effectval(i) = xmeffdat
                    PUT #20, , chr(&h2B)
                    TEMP = INT(psgvol(xmeffdat * quotient(i)))
                    PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                    curvol(i) = xmeffdat
                    'ignore for pcm +noise
                    effectdat(i) = 255
                    effectval(i) = 255
                 END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        NEXT i

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Process current effects inbetween rows
        FOR pf = 1 TO TEMPo
           FOR i = 1 TO 11

                SELECT CASE effectdat(i)

                CASE &h0
                    IF effectval(i) <> 0 THEN
                          IF ctype(i) < 2 THEN
                               SELECT CASE pf MOD 3
                                    CASE 0
                                        slidestep(i) = curnote(i)
                                    CASE 1
                                        slidestep(i) = curnote(i) + arpnote1(i)
                                    CASE 2
                                        slidestep(i) = curnote(i) + arpnote2(i)
                                    END SELECT
                          END IF
                    END IF
                CASE &hA
                    'Volume slide. one tick is (ticks per row - 1) from real volume ( 0 to 63)
                   IF pf < effectval(i)+1 THEN
                    IF ctype(i) <> 2 THEN
                            IF volslidepos(i) < 65 AND volslidepos(i) > 0 THEN
                                volslidepos(i) = volslidepos(i) + volslidespeed(i)
                                IF volslidepos(i) < 0 THEN volslidepos(i) = 0
                                if ctype(i) = 1 then  print volslidepos(i)  
                               curvol(i) = volslidepos(i)


                            END IF

                            IF volslidepos(i) < 65 AND volslidepos(i) > -1 THEN
                             IF ctype(i) = 0 THEN
                                PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &H20)
                                PUT #20, , chr(fmvol(quotient(i) * volslidepos(i)))

                                 IF ctype(i) = 3 THEN PUT #20, , chr(&H2A) ELSE PUT #20, , chr(esfchan(i) + &H20)
                                                    TEMP = INT(psgvol(quotient(i) * curvol( i)))
                                                    PUT #20, , chr(TEMP)
                             END IF
                            END IF
                    END IF
                   END IF

                CASE 1 TO 3
                    if slidespeed(i) = -255 then print "SLIDESTEP: "; slidestep(i) 
                    slidestep(i) = slidestep(i) + slidespeed(i) / 16
                    IF slidespeed(i) < 0 AND slidetarget(i) > slidestep(i) THEN slidestep(i) = slidetarget(i)
                    IF slidespeed(i) > 0 AND slidetarget(i) < slidestep(i) THEN slidestep(i) = slidetarget(i)
                CASE 4
                   vibstep(i) = vibstep(i) + vibspeed(i)*4
                   conversion = SIN(pi/180 * vibstep(i))*vibdepth(i)/5 + curnote(i)
                   slidestep(i) = conversion
                END SELECT
            NEXT i

            PUT #20, , chr(&HFE)
            PUT #20, , chr(&H1)
        NEXT pf
    NEXT currow

    IF esfloop = 0 THEN
        PUT #20, , chr(&hFF)
    ELSEif restart > 0 then
        ' Restore instruments on looping
        FOR i = 1 TO 11
            IF loopins(i) <> curins(i) AND i <> 10 THEN
                PUT #20, , chr(&H40 + esfchan(i))
                PUT #20, , chr(INT(esfins(loopins(i))))
            END IF
        NEXT i
        PUT #20, , chr(&hFC)
        PUT #20, , chr(&hFC)        
    end if
    PRINT "Conversion done!"

    DATA 851, 803, 758, 715, 675, 637, 601, 568, 536, 506, 477, 450, 425, 401, 379, 357, 337, 318, 300
    DATA 284,268,253,238,225,212,200,189,178,168,159,150,142,134,126,119,112,106,100
    DATA  94, 89, 84, 79, 75, 71, 67, 63, 59, 56, 53, 50, 47, 44, 42, 39, 37, 35, 33
    DATA  31, 29, 28, 26, 25, 23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14